If you would like to give to the church there are a few ways...
A legacy enables you to continue supporting Wairau Anglican Parish and its mission of loving and sharing Jesus at the end of your life.
We have a number of ways in which we support overseas mission and aid. We would value your partnership in this.
As Christian believers we seek to worship God with our whole lives, and this includes our finances. This is an extension of our response of love towards God and a willingness to acknowledge his lordship in our lives. Through the act of financial giving there is a hope and expectation that God would be glorified and his Kingdom extended. It is for these reasons that we see all giving as an outworking of loving and sharing Jesus and an opportunity for individuals and families to partner with God in His mission, both locally and globally.
At Wairau Anglican, regular giving is used to support the ongoing mission and work of the church.
We invite you to respond to the mission of our church as you are able and lead.
Giving Numbers and Tax Rebates
Giving Numbers can be allocated on request and allows the church to provide you with a tax receipt for any donations received over the financial year. This allows you to claim a rebate from IRD for up to 1/3 of all your tithing or donations to the church.
Many church members return this annual rebate to the church considering it a part of their giving.
To organise a Giving Number please contact the church office.
Automatic Payment
Giving by automatic payment is encouraged where possible as it enables us to more accurately make financial forecasts while requiring less administrative work. When setting up an automatic payment with your bank, we encourage the use of your giving number or your surname as the code to enable a tax receipt.
Account details for Wairau Anglican Parish are:
ANZ Bank Blenheim
CODE: 1100 (for all general giving)
One off donations or irregular giving can also be deposited into this account.
On request, we can provide a set of envelopes specifically for your giving. These envelopes can be placed in the offering bag which is passed around during the service each Sunday. Envelopes include a place for your personal/family giving number and ensure that you will receive a tax receipt at the end of each financial year.
Cash can be placed within the offering bag on Sunday's, however if you intend to give to the church regularly we recommend using either the envelope system or automatic payment enabling you to receive a tax receipt and subsequent tax rebate.
A legacy enables you to continue supporting Wairau Anglican Parish and its mission of loving and sharing Jesus at the end of your life. This is an opportunity for individuals and families to partner with God in mission by providing for the local church in a way that will help ensure the ongoing future enablement of ministry and Christian witness within our community and from our community.
We invite you to respond to the mission of our church as you are able and willing in death as in life.
How Does a Legacy Help?
Like most churches we rely on the continued financial support of our congregation. However there are always expenses and ministry opportunities which remain outside our normal budget. A legacy is one way to provide a one-off gift, to establish a specific trust fund or to add to our general trust fund. Each will benefit the parish and support our ongoing mission work. Our current trust funds give a small amount of regular interest which helps offset some of our regular expenses. Growing these funds are vitally important in supporting the future of ministry within the parish.
If this is something you would like to explore we encourage you to contact your solicitor or lawyer to find out more.
God is a missionary God, who has called His people, the church, to be missionary agents of His love and mercy. This mission work takes place in many forms and as a church we are called to take part both locally and globally.
Our church has a number of ways in which we partner with others to extend our mission involvement, and together with your support, we hope to make a difference. You are invited to contribute towards any of these projects as you are able, with the knowledge that you are investing into the lives of people and communities. With this understanding we also ask that you pray for those being blessed by these projects, believing that prayer is more vital than anything else.
Missions donations can be deposited into the parish bank account or placed in a marked envelope, along with the corresponding code to support any of our mission projects.
ANZ Bank Blenheim
CODE: As per below...

Miller Family - Code: 1260
Based in Costa Rica, the Miller family have a vision of inspiring, empowering, equipping and mobilising the Latin American church for world mission. They are partnered with CMS and have an amazing call which is impacting many countries. We see this as an important mission partnership and all support is greatly appreciated.
Anglican Missions NZ - Code: 1200
Supports mission and aid work, particularly responding to human need, transforming society, and caring for creation in the Pacific and other parts of the world.
Tear Fund - Code: 1230
Tear Fund seek to advocate for the poor, vulnerable and oppressed. Their approach empowers struggling communities to help themselves and to find local, long term, sustainable solutions. Our annual Christmas Tree festival supports Tear Fund.